Sunday, September 4, 2011

The weather is breaks...

   Finally, after nearly 70 days of triple digit heat, it's starting to cool down. Though it will still be above 95 today, it feels like the cool front the weatherman predicted is moving through. The dust is horrible with the wind blowing. There is still no rain in sight yet. Tomorrow is going to be a high of 85 degrees! Yeeehaw! I can do my own prediction and say " the weather is going to be just right for trail riding".

   We puttered around the barn this morning early. Makayla was off to church by 8:30 am and it felt good to get some things done we'd been putting off till it got cooler. The horses are looking better. I haltered them up, groomed them all and cleaned their hooves. We then decided to make it easier to feed in the evening so we don't have to rotate them, Taking the panel off then back part of the rear stall and putting it on the front. Now, Hoover can come up and rest in a stall during the day.

Jerzey is always nosey as hell. If we're doing something, she's right there with us.

   Yesterday, Ron and Makayla went down to Pecan Gap. Makayla's, Great Grand Father has a bunch of cows and he put up tons of hay for the winter. He has access to a whole lot of fields where they were baling off of this year. The north east area of Texas wasn't quit as dry as our area. They picked up  three bales of bermuda, prairie grass and other mixed forage for the horses to eat on. When I took my first glance at the hay, I said "there not going to eat that mess". It didn't take Jerzey a few minutes to prove me wrong. As she was eating it, I could see that the inside was beautiful. It has a little trash in it, but they won't eat what they don't want. The bales are nearly twice as big as the first round rolls we bought. Surprisingly, yesterday, Jerzey was eating dead leaves that had fallen from the trees. So, I guess a little trash in the hay isn't going to hurt them. lol

   I took this video of Mouse doing the screwy thing he does with his head. I'm not sure how he aquired this habit. Most likely, from being stalled somewhere in his previous life. I've noticed any time we've bought horses that were shown in halter or western pleasure venues, or stalled to long of a period, they've always brought with them, some silly shit habit. This is one I haven't seen before. It appears to be brought on from needing his teeth floated long before we bought him. I had checked his teeth the day we looked at him and notice he was in need of dental work. At that time, I thought, no big deal. Still don't.

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