Saturday, November 5, 2011

Home hoof care!

We finally broke down and bought some tools to do our own horses hooves. It seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I simply got tired of farriers and their talk of natural hooves, with no decent results. I've finally got Jerzey rocking along on all fours without any issues with lameness after trimming. Yay! She's traveling heel first, except for the club foot on the right front. That foot is going to be challenging without some knowledgeable help. I've never owned a horse with this particular problem. When I bought her almost two years ago, I was aware of the problem, but chose to overlook it. I've never felt, for any reason to throw away a good opportunity, just because things weren't perfect at the time. Her recovery seems to be quicker since the shoes had been removed nearly 90 days ago. A horse, the previous farrier claimed, would never be sound barefoot.

Left Front
Bottom Left Front

Right Front (Club)

Bottom Right Front (Club) 

Right Rear
Bottom Right Rear

Left Rear
Bottom Left Rear

We obviously still have a ways to go. How ever, the results from our last trim are, leaps and bounds from the previous professional results. No lameness issues and heel first landing. And!, no friggin stumbling! I'm not sure where to go from here, but as long as I learn to read my horses posture better, how their hooves land on the ground and no limb soreness, I'm confident I'll be moving in the right direction. Jerzey is even riding comfortably over rocky terrain. Something she never did, even with her shoes on.