Monday, August 15, 2011

Video of Makayla and Mouser's

  Makayla saddled up Mouse tonight. He really needs a lot of riding. I guess tonight's as good as any to get him use to riding every day. His dang feet are so long right now, he stumbles terribly. Before we bought him, the guy had a farrier shoe him and he left the toes long. His hooves aren't in that bad a shape, they just need some better care.  The farrier who shod him really sucked. His feet aren't level and the shoes stick out to far behind the heel. I mean, come on. Since when does a farrier fit a hoof to the shoe and not fit the shoe to the foot. ffs! He could have at least rolled them in some, cut them off and rasped off the ends. I've never seen work this shotty. Not to mention, the horse is toed out to begin with. Therefore, he needs a level foot, so he can hit the ground better. Off my soap box now! lol

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