Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jewels "In the beginning"...

This mare is a handful when she's tied. I'm not sure why a person wouldn't teach a horse to stand patiently. Maybe they lacked the time or experience.
The man we purchased her from almost a year ago was elderly, and hadn't done anything with her, but feed her. Told us he bought her from a guy that rode up to his house bare back about a year and a half before we purchased her. He hadn't left anything out about her personality, habits, and warned me,"this is a cowboys horse" she's not for a beginner.
Okay, so, that didn't detour me from buying her. I let him know I had a clear understanding of his opinion, but I'll take her regardless of your warning. I think the man thought me crazy, but I needed a challenge in my life. When I went to pick  her up, the first thing she did was run from us. No problem! We hemmed her up in a corner and I put the halter on. Now its time to take her home. The man told us " she won't hop in a two horse straight load". Okay, I thought to myself, "now you tell me". No problem, "so I replied". My grand daughter was holding her near the back of the trailer and I took a lunge line out of the saddle compartment. I was going to have to coax her in with a rope around her hocks. To my surprise and everyone else standing around there, I opened the trailer door and she bumped us out of the way and hopped right in! Nice...

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