- He walks in a boxy diagram. Always turning on the forehand and never picks up his front feet or crosses over unless he's forced to, and only if he's in-hand. When he moves forward or covers ground in a straight line, he never shows signs of lameness. And he only shows stress turning, to the right.
- He shows signs of thrush.
- Frog is extremely soft and spongy.
- Sole is harder, but chalky.
- Has a hint of wall separation.
- The frog area has a foul smell.
Hoof pick with plastic bristols, Small wire brush, Hoofles Thrush medicine and Hoof Heal Protectant.
The first view is of the dirty foot.
Second: is after cleaning and drying the area.
Third: after applying the thrush medicine and painting on the hoof protection.
When the job was done from underneath, I applied a protective moisture coating around the coronary band and heel bulb. I'll repeat this twice a day until I take him to the vet next week.